Who is this program for? It’s OK to look forward to retirement as an opportunity to stop working and do other things instead. But many people don’t think about what retirement actually means in practice and have difficulties making necessary changes to what you do and how you feel or are treated. This program is about preparing for and being comfortable with being retired and what it may involve or offer. But it isn’t limited to older people: you should start acquiring your retirement skills from your 30s onwards! And it has nothing to do with giving financial advice. It’s all about “retirementality”…
How does the Retirementality program benefit you? This program helps you test, explore and design a post-work retirement that gives you opportunities and works for you on your terms. It has 6 elements: (i) what does retirement mean? (ii) how do you (and the people closest to you) feel about your retirement; (iii) is being a PIP* or a FIP* something you’re comfortable with and, if not, why not and how can we resolve this? (iv) what skills and experiences do you have? (v) what (other) skills and experiences will you need? (vi) what external factors will affect your retirementality and your retirement?
* a Previously Important Person or a Formerly Important Person
Who is this program for? The concept of retirement may be so far into your future that it’s not even on your radar (let alone on your agenda). Alternatively, you’re thinking (are are being made to think) of retirement, but regard the prospect of not working as anathema. Or you’re uncomfortable about not working (with the respect that working brings) and with being regarded as a FIP* or a PIP*. Instead, you want to do more of what you haven’t been able to do before.
How does the Portfoliofication program benefit you? This is not a program for older people. You should start preparing in your 30s for what you want to be able to do when you’re older. So this program is about planning and getting, in advance, a portfolio of skills, experiences and connections, and designing a way of living and working that you choose to implement when others think you should retire and you choose to do otherwise. The effect is to engender in you the opposite of retirementality. There are 6 main elements to the program: (i) long term planning; (ii) how to carry on working, but differently; (iii) how to carry on working, but for yourself, rather than for someone else; (iv) how to juggle work with community activities / education / friends / fun / other stuff; (v) how to structure your (working) day differently; and (vi) how to deal with others’ attitudes. This program helps you test, explore and design a non-retirement that works for you on your terms.
* a Formerly Important Person or a Previously Important Person…